2020 Unit 2 C&D Batch Introductory Agro-Meteorology and Climate Change Agmt1101
The study of agrometeorology helps to minimize crop losses due to excess rainfall, cold/heatwaves, cyclones, etc. It helps in forecasting pests and diseases, choice of crops, irrigation, and other intercultural operations through short, medium, and long-range forecasts.
It helps to identify places with the same climatic conditions (Agroclimatic zones).
This will enable us to adopt suitable crop production practices based on the local climatic conditions. It helps in the development of crop weather models, which enables to predict crop productivity under various climate.
It helps within the preparation of crop weather calendars for various locations. It enables to issue crop weather bulletins to farmers. It enables us to forecast the crop yield based on weather to plan and manage food production changes in a region.
It is needed to make the farmers more “weather conscious” in planning their agricultural operations.
Extn 1101-Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology (2020- A & B batch)
- Sociology and Rural sociology, Rural society, Social groups, Social stratification, Culture, Social institution, Social change & development.
- Educational psychology, Behavior, Personality, Learning, Motivation, Intelligence.
Human values & Ethics (NG)(2020 E & F batch)
- Values and Human values, Self explorations, Understanding happiness and prosperity
- Morals and ethics, Values, Virtues
- Plagiarism
- Means to live peacefully in the world, Basic human aspiration
- Challenges in the work place, Ethics in communication